Sponsor 803 day

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 2nd annual 803 Day initiative. 803 Day is a community celebration that embraces the rich history and culture of our great city, while improving the health of South Carolina residents and supporting local businesses.

Last year’s inaugural impact reached over 1,000 residents and visitors throughout the day.

This year is expected to draw a diverse crowd of over 2000 attendees from across the region and
impact over 100 local businesses.

Your support will help to create a memorable event and provide valuable resources to our community. We have a variety of sponsorship levels available to fit your organization's budget and marketing goals.
View the
sponsorship packet for more information.

Sponsorship opportunities range from $100.00 to $25,000.00.

We have options for businesses that wanT to sponsor the 803 Day 5K Run/Walk, Scavenger Hunt, 803 Day Festival or overall 803 Day events.

803 Day 5K Run/Walk Sponsors
from $0.00

The 803 Day 5K Run/Walk will be in Midtown Columbia in Forest Acres on Saturday, August 2, 2025 at 8AM. Sponsorship opportunities include: your logo on the race t-shirt, winner gift cards, and water/healthy snacks.

T-shirt Sponsors: Want your logo on the back of the official 803 Day 5K Run/Walk t-shirt? We have limited spots available for $100.00.

Winner Sponsors:This year we will have 3 categories of winners: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for women and men. If your organization would like to sponsor, winner levels are as follows:

1st Place Sponsorship: $200.00 ($100 per gender)

2nd Place Sponsorship: $100.00 ($50 per gender)

3rd Place Sponsorship: $50.00 ($25 per gender)

Winners by Age:

10 & under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-74, 75 & Over ($50 per gender)

*Awards may be given in form of Visa/Mastercard gift cards or for your place of business if you are a local restaurant or retail store.

In-Kind Sponsors: Each participant will need water and healthy snacks as they complete the race. We would like to have fresh fruit and water available. If your organization is interested in providing bottled water and/or fruit, please contact us at 803.922.5310 or hello@803day.org. We also accept gift cards to Costco or Kroger.

803 Day Scavenger Hunt Sponsors

A citywide scavenger hunt will be available from 8AM - 8PM on Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd (803 Day), featuring the Soda City Certified (SCC) app. SCC is Columbia’s only app to promote local restaurants, events, shops, and attractions in the Midlands area. The scavenger hunt will feature 25 sites. We will allow an opportunity for 15 businesses to be featured during the scavenger hunt for $100.00.


Option One:

You will create a 4-digit pin code. A sign will be placed at your business with instructions utilizing a QR Code. If you would like participants to enter or patronize your establishment, you may ask participants to retrieve the pin code from staff once they have patronized or taken/shared a picture with your business and #803Day. Once they enter the pin code in the Soda City Certified app, they will collect 20 days. (Total possible points: 500)

Option Two:

A sign will be placed outside of your business with a QR Code. Participants will go to the website connected to the QR Code. They will search the page for a 4-digit PIN Code. The pin code will then be entered on the Soda City Certified app to collect 20 points. (Total possible points: 500)

803 Day Sponsorship Opportunities
from $100.00